America Speaks is proud to present a limited edition storytelling series, a literary salon as it were, to bring you powerful writing, rich characters and renown authors. AND
Thank You Provokr Magazine for this great article (above) about We Protest
October 2, 2021 ( event may be postponed due to pandemic, please stay tuned for further confirmation) )
I am so proud to be a part of this event in NYC, at the Judson Memorial Church created by dance maker Richard Colton
Exposing Migration The Spirit of the American Dream
Please check out the event. It was such an honor to be on the panel with these amazing women photojournalists
I am very proud to be chosen as one of three photographers for the 2018 panel of American Society of Photographers, September 15, 2018. I will discussing the work I have compiled in my book ;I Protest, to create an America we can believe in.
The True Photojournalism Activist Making Podcasts To Change Society
Very excited to Be Interviewed by Listen Notes for our podcast :
"I think having role models has helped me develop my style, and also see how I can individuate my conversations, to have my imprint."
Podcast :
America Speaks Podcast
By Tish Lampert
iTunes RSS Web Email
►Tell us about you and your podcast
America Speaks Podcast: for the past eighteen years photojournalist Tish Lampert has documented the ongoing the political and human rights issues that have compelled Americans to stand up and speak out. Her lens has captured the leading critical social uprisings of our era.
In an effort to inspire moral consciousness and give voice to today’s heroes on the front-lines the America Speaks Podcast is born. Our listeners are smart free thinkers, of all ages, who are actively participating in activism, and to ensure a positive direction for the future of the U.S.. From today's youth to those who have been on the front lines for generations.
►Why & how did you start this podcast?
As a photojournalist for over forty years, in the U.S. and across the world, I felt it was time to go beyond the power of a photograph to engage in groundbreaking conversation to define what's at stake - a parallel to my forthcoming archival book coming out end of September. From the beginning I have had an extraordinary response from acclaimed personalites, celebrities, authors, political leaders and veteran journalists, who are a part of our line-up.
►How'd you find the time and funding to do this podcast?
I saw the importance of putting together a great team - who have for the most part volunteered so we could bring the nation, and the world, these unusual conversations.
►What do you gain from podcasting?
My work is a brand. I have a book, a podcast and exhibitions that all work together to engage the listener, the viewer and the creators to inform with a wide lens. This full embodiment of America Speaks allows me to promote my forthcoming book. I will be seeking sponsorship come June 15th.
►How does your podcasting process look like?
I am very blessed to be working with a world class editor: James Coblentz, who has extensive experience crafting dramatic and documentary film, TV, and audio. The guests I have approached and who have approached me are those I have worked with or met on the trail, in the past 18 years, since I first began my book. From our first episode with acclaimed actor Martin Sheen to my conversation with Nobel Laureate Jonathan Granoff, to a compelling discussion with CBS veteran news producer Robert Richter who produced Walter Cronkite's news hour for 15 yrs and, to the previous Under Secretary General of the United Nations, and to the current candidate to be president of the Navajo Nation, and to candidates who are changing the political scene today, in the upcoming 2018 elections; these are all people who have supported my work.
My preparation inter-weaves historic relevance with the contemporary stakes of the topic being discussed. I thread in the work my guest has done, a parallel to how it affects average Americans, so as to give relatable context to each of our episodes. We usually record on a high resolutions audio system on skype. Or we record in person, on the trail.
►How do you market your show?
We are at the beginning of the marketing process. I have a cracker jack team headed by Oscar Bautista and Kim Langbecker. Tanita Enderes designed the website. We are delighted that through word of mouth, and being on the radio on KSFR FM every Monday A.M. on their news hour- Wake Up Call with Tom Trowbridge where they spotlight our show, we have gained attention. We look forward to seeking multiple additional resources to tell folks how to find us.
►What advice would you share with aspiring (new) podcasters?
I am an avid podcast listener. I have been inspired most recently by Preet Bharara's Stay Tuned With Preet, and for many years by tuning in to: Brad Friedman's Bradblog, and Randi Rhodes; as a way to enlarge my scope of political understanding beyond my daily news gathering appetite. I think having role models has helped me develop my style, and also see how I can individuate my conversations, to have my imprint. Considering that I have covered human rights and social activism for decades through my lens, I am molding the audio version of story telling by focusing on the narrative of those fighting on the front lines today. My learning curve with creating this balance is ongoing. I must say I do feel handicapped to not have my camera to capture an authentic or emotional moment in conversation. To memorialize that feeling visually.
►Where can we learn more about you & your podcasts?
Notes As We Reach A Milestone
A Year In The Making 5.14.2018
A year in the making, America Speaks Podcast is now out to the world; and picking up steam. These conversations go beyond my usual work of capturing an image and giving life to the issues I have focused on for eighteen years. The synergy of hearing from those who have impacted my journey has taught me so much more about my identity as an American.
So how do I continue to have the stamina to cover the ongoing turmoil that plagues our country. I am speaking to fiercely dedicated freedom fighters. When I began putting together these interviews I did not realize what a resource this series would offer to all of us . My goal was to highlight those I have covered on the trail, the remarkable Americans from all walks of life , as well as political leaders, authors, historians, and renown public figures to share their story, during my eighteen year long journey.
It was Dennis Macdougal, from the very beginning, who embraced my passion to take on this visual documentary. of America's contemporary milestones. A longtime journalist and acclaimed writer, Dennis stepped in as my mentor. America Speaks recently interviewed Dennis about his forthcoming book on Jerry Brown’s legacy. This edgy and humorous dialogue explains how great leaders, leaders who have made lasting impact by doing great things, are the celebrated figures history remembers. Not the scoundrels, or sensationalists. Leaders who have lead the way. Leaders who inspire the future, leaders like Jerry Brown. What a timely message this conversation is for us all right now.
And what an honor it was to speak to Martin Sheen, who I first met in 2003. when he was marching against the invasion of Iraq. We recently engaged in a remarkable discussion on the urgency facing the undocumented community with Karla Estrada and Justino Mora, emphasizing the sorry state of our humanity today, in the U.S.. Martin declares that we are the guards of the 800,000 young undocumented who we have been thrown to the curb with this current administration. This remarkable series on immigration has been highlighted by the fearless work of Enrique Marones who has devoted his life, to being the defender along the U.S./Mexican border for those who are in transit, seeking asylum, and a better life for their family. Stay tuned for this powerful conversation with Enrique TBA.
In 2006, I first met Jonathan Granoff when I was brought to photograph Ban-Ki moon, who was Secretary General of the United Nations. Jonathan is a scholar, an adjunct law professor, CEO of Global Security Insititute, and a Nobel Laureate whose life has been devoted to an end to all wars. I was humbled to meet heroes like Garrett Reppenhagen, right after he had just returned from several tours of duty in Iraq. Impacted by the horrors of war Garrett is now fighting for peace and health and preservation of the planet. Garrett joins Jonathan for a groundbreaking conversation. Both my esteemed guests speak about what's at stake, and about taking risks to oppose corporate development that has destroyed our commons, oceans and the bio-shere.
America Speaks is bringing you the freedom fighters who are striking out with their work.
In last week's episode we are inspired by Robert Richter, whose work I have followed for decades. Robert is an award winning journalit who is the only living member of the edward RMurrow Fred friendly team, alive today. Robert produced Walter Cronkite's evening news for over a decade; a respected CBS producer. This episode illustrates the lengths that journalists/documentarians must go to get the truth out, and how Robert risked his life to tell the story.
I write this newsletter this month grateful to be able to offer our audience the guests that we are about to hear from in furure episodes; conversations that will continue to individuate our podcast series.
If it can be done, our series is seeking to make some sense out of this conflicted era we are in and leave us with hope and resolve. My aim is to inspire our audience with actions to better participate in the critical times ahead.
Participation is what I am leading to here, with this month’s newsletter. We need to hear from you. Please sign up for our newsletter. Listen to our episodes and let us know what you think. Give us feedback, and tell us if there is someone you would like us to speak to, someone whose story needs to be heard.
Very Proud to be on KSFR Fm radio with our podcast : America Speaks -tune in every monday morning , at 8:45 a.m. mountain time
As this year begins I am proud to be apart of the exhibition The Art of Protest: Epiphany and the Culture of Empowerment, co-curated by LACMA educator Sofia Gutierrez, artist Ricardo Reyes, historian Roslio Muñoz, and architect Ravi GuneWardena, The exhibition opens January 6th and closes March 31st, 2018.
I am excited to be mentioned in the Los Angeles Times!
At the U.S/Mexican border with Enrique Morones fhead of Border Angels catch episode with Enrique on
The show is also archived on Apple Podcasts :